Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Is It Okay If We Failed Our Own Commitment?

Having commitment is a really hard skill that only strong people could make. Especially if you are committed to yourself. It means there are no significant risks or impacts if you failed your commitment. You probably still feeling unwind even though you failed it. that is why dealing with ourselves is harder than other people.

The first question we have to know before any further discussion is, what is the commitment itself. So recite from the Oxford dictionary,
commitment is the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc

Someone or something who has a commitment commonly has goals to achieve. Let us see our surroundings, this country, the government, our company, our school. they all have goals and missions to accomplish. 

we should discuss is, why are people making commitments.

what is a commitment, 

why people make a commitment

the Difference between 

how to be discipline on our commitment. 

Commitment is closed to promise. In a commitment, we will face the reward and the risks. 

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